I rise up in flame, then downwards I go
And I am defeated with only one blow.
Gather now my people
As I spin a woeful yarn
Of the gruesomest, fiercest creatures
That ever touched the stars...Ballad of the 12345s (2021)
A captain tells of their grisly encounter with an alien species known as the 12345s.
Welcome to the pine creek radio show,
It’s a pleasure to be on tonight.
I come to you from the land of blue,
and I hope you’re feeling right...
Pine Creek Radio Show (2021)
A lonely soul sends out a radio broadcast to anyone who may be listening.
Old MacDonald had a farm, EIEIOH
But that was many years ago, EIEIOH...Old MacDonald (2021)
After an accident on the farm, things are never the same for Old MacDonald.
I rise up in flame, then downwards I go
And I am defeated with only one blow.Riddles
I wrote these riddles throughout High School. I would often pose new ones to my friends during passing periods to see who could solve them!