With its history of excluding women, and especially in the US, racial minorities, it should come as no surprise that LGBTQ individuals are also under-represented in STEM fields. Like other minorities, LGBTQ people do not fit within the traditional heterosexual white male narrative of STEM in the US. However, sexual identity can be more complicated than race or gender. Often, it is invisible in academic or professional settings, and its intersection with other identities creates many unique kinds of LGBTQ people.
In February 2023 I guest preached at Atonement Lutheran Church in Boulder, CO.
Radical Community (2023)
In 2022, I was invited to return to my undergraduate congregation to guest preach on Reconciling in Christ Sunday...
Reconciling (2022)
Soylent Green is a 1973 film that takes place in a hot, bleak, and overpopulated New York City. The year is 2022 and the runaway effects of population growth and greenhouse gas emissions have turned the once prosperous city into a living hell...
Soylent Green & the Unchecked Masses (2021)
Just before graduating Northwestern, I guest preached this sermon to my church...
Genesis & the Blue Marble (2021)
People who have seen recent major motion pictures like Avengers Endgame or Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker may or may not have noticed the LGBTQ representation in these films...
"Queerbaiting" in Blockbuster Cinema (2020)
With its history of excluding women, and especially in the US, racial minorities, it should come as no surprise that LGBTQ individuals are also under-represented in STEM fields...
LGBTQ People in STEM (2020)
Throughout his work, Nietzsche builds off of the concept of the Death of God, the idea that “the belief in the Christian god has become unbelievable...”
On the Death of God (2017)
One idea expressed throughout Nietzsche’s essay, “On the Utility and Liability of History,” is that wisdom breeds inactivity. Essentially, at a certain point, knowing and remembering too much debilitates a person’s life...
Wisdom & Inaction (2017)